Treated Water Disinfection

Treated Water Disinfection


Treated Water Disinfection

Ensuring a safe and healthy water supply requires the elimination of harmful pathogens and organisms, achieved through a variety of disinfection methods. The extent of disinfection varies based on water usage, whether it’s for agricultural, urban, or industrial purposes. Different techniques can be employed to achieve varying levels of disinfection, including:

a. Chlorination
b. Ozonation
c. UV Radiation

At DANATIVARA, we offer a comprehensive range of ultraviolet and ozone disinfection products and accessories, including UV disinfection systems featuring:

– High Performance UV Lamps: Our systems feature high-performance, energy-efficient UV lamps that can swiftly neutralize over 99.99% of waterborne pathogens within seconds.

– Versatile Size Range: From compact drinking water systems designed for flow rates of 8.5 to 40 MGD m3 to scalable UV systems suitable for municipal wastewater treatment, capable of accommodating virtually unlimited flow rates.

We also provide ozone systems that serve multiple purposes:

– Contaminant Oxidation: Ozone systems are adept at oxidizing a range of contaminants, including viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, taste, odor, and color-causing compounds. This contributes to the overall enhancement of water treatment processes.

– Industrial Processes: Ozone systems find utility in various industrial processes such as bleaching and surface treatment.

Our ozone system offerings encompass:

– Diverse Size Options: We provide a spectrum of ozone generator units, tailored to different scales. Our solutions range from small units to customized systems designed for substantial ozone capacities, exceeding 15,800 pounds per day (ppd) or 300 Kg/h per unit.

Our commitment to delivering effective disinfection solutions is rooted in providing advanced technology and tailored approaches to meet specific needs. Whether it’s safeguarding drinking water or enhancing industrial processes, our disinfection products offer reliable and efficient outcomes.